Created with the utmost care for your canine family, our soft chews were specially formulated to aid your dog’s vision and support their overall eye-health, in the tastiest way possible.
As pet owners ourselves, we really put our quality standards to the very front and make sure that our supplements will meet and surpass you and your pet’s expectations.
Why? Because we know that our four-legged family deserves the very best. Our mission as a pet supplies company is to spoil you and your pet in the best way possible.
Formulated by Specialists Specifically for Canine Eye-Health
We’re very proud to have worked with Canine Health Professionals to develop the unique, scientifically-backed HotSpot Pet Formula.
Our soft chews contain:
- Vitamin Bs, Lutein Antioxidant Vitamin C ;
- Astaxanthin- A powerful, natural combination that helps restore and preserve canine eye structure as well as prevent damage that comes with age and lack of integral antioxidants
Omega 3 EPA &; DHA Fatty Acids- Packed with all-natural benefits, fatty acids are essential in supporting an overall better eye function and relieve eye strain symptoms
Formulated with the Help of Canine-Health Experts
We take great pride in researching and developing our formula with the help of Veterinary professionals in a Vet Facility.
Our goal is to handpick amazing ingredients and compounds that naturally synergize with each other, to enhance the health benefits of our dog treats.
A perfect choice both for helping senior dogs, as well as preserving the eyesight health of younger pups, our chews deliver in both taste and healthiness!